How to Get and Scan Spotify Code?

Have you been looking to effortlessly share your favorite music with friends? You might have encountered the need for a spotify code – a gateway to instant music sharing. Whether you are looking to share a catchy playlist or a newly launched album, these codes just make the process at your fingertips. 

So, if you are eager to unlock the magic of Spotify codes and wondering how to scan spotify codes in a jiffy, then read on with me. The Spotify code will help you share music without having to copy and paste the song links. The Spotify code is a QR code used to share music effectively. Therefore, I am here to guide you through the simple process of creating and scanning spotify codes on Windows, iPhone, Mac, and Android devices.

Key Takeaways

  • To Get the spotify code, look for the song or playlist you want to share, click the “Three dots” icon and select “Show code”.
  • To scan the spotify code, open the search section click on the camera icon on the top right pane, tap Scan, and focus your camera on the spotify code.

What is a Spotify Code?

A Spotify code is a unique QR-image-like code that is used to share music with friends and family or whoever bears the code. Being a scannable code, the spotify code can be easily translated using your mobile camera. The Spotify code is used for sharing songs, playlists, podcasts, and everything that you want to share with friends from the Spotify APK.

Just because it is machine-readable code, only a mobile camera can skillfully translate it and play the song shared with you. The best part is that you can generate these unique codes through your mobile device, desktop spotify app, or your web player.

How to get a code for spotify?

Getting Spotify codes is simple. The option is available to both premium and free Spotify users. There are two methods to get a spotify code that vary according to your device. Whether you are using a Spotify desktop app (windows or Mac) or a mobile app (android or iPhone), I have listed how to create the Spotify code on both.

Get a Spotify code on a Mobile App (iPhone or Android)

  • Place your pointer on the song you want to get the sharing code for.
  • Click the three dots next to the song and you will find a Spotify code.
  • To share it with your friends or family, you can take a screenshot of the code.

Create Spotify Code on Desktop App (Windows or Mac)

Now that you are using a desktop app or web to get a spotify code, the method is slightly different yet easy. 

  • Open the desktop Spotify app and hover over the song that you would like to share. If you haven’t downloaded the spotify desktop app yet, download it from spotigurus or Microsoft Store.
  • To generate a code, click on the three dots next to the song click share and copy the link. 
  • Now open your web browser and open the site, On this website, paste the song link that you previously copied from the app.
  • Click “Get Spotify Code” and you will get a scannable Spotify image-like QR code.
  • You can customize the code with options like background color, bar color, size, and format of the code.
  • Download this code.
copy spotify code from desktop app
paste shared spotify code
Spotify code for desktop

How to Scan Spotify Code?

Congratulations!! You have now successfully downloaded a code that you can share with your friends and dance with the beats together. Now, to scan the Spotify code, follow the simple steps and enjoy the music with your friends.

  • Launch the Spotify app. 
  • Head to the search bar at the bottom pane of your app.
  • Click on the camera icon on the top right
  • Now focus your camera on the spotify code you have generated above,
  • Press the scan button. 
  • If you have the image-like code in your phone gallery, then simply upload the code image from your phone by “selecting from photos”
  • You will be able to play the song now.

You can share the same QR code image with your friends and they can also scan spotify code using the same method and play the same song.

scan spotify code

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

You can get Spotify scan code on the computer by clicking the three dots next to the song and copying it. Now head to and paste the link to generate the spotify code.

To get the Spotify code on your iPhone, click the three dots next to the song. Select “get spotify code” and you will have the unique Spotify code for that particular song.

No, unfortunately, to scan a Spotify code, you need to scan it using the camera feature of the mobile phone. So you cannot scan the Spotify code without the app on the phone.

To Wrap Up

Spotify codes are the trickiest way to share songs and playlists with your friends. With time, the Spotify app developers are bringing more advancements and revolutions in the features. Today, when the world is at your fingertips and the world altogether is looking for advanced ways to get entertained, the Spotify app is meeting the demand by providing short and easy methods to share and enjoy music together. 


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